Had quite a first night earning my keep as a flight groom unloading 30+ horses (including 12 wild weanlings at the Belgium airport - think four weanlings in each box, three people, and no lead ropes).

Claude has settled well. We have had three lessons with Gerd and I am telling people we will soon both look like Arnold Schwartzenegger (if we survive).

The farm entrance. Lunging hall and two indoors to the right.
Spent our second night at a fancy CDI with a good restaurant. We had dinner watching the Grand Prix which went from 3 to 10pm!

On the weekend we went to the Westphalian stallion licensing -- I did NOT want to buy the 1.2 million Euro horse -- yes he was extravagant but also crooked and a little wild to my taste. My favorite was licensed and sold for for a mere 80,000 euro. And he showed good character: standing quietly while looking beautiful then trotting well when asked to.

Anna arrived Monday and will be hanging out with us until Christmas. She is working remotely every day but we will do some exploring nights and weekends. We made it to the Christmas Market in Munster the first night, and several others over the next week. Think a cross between the State Fair (junk food and rides) and Cary Lazy Daze (art show and fine crafts). This one had a musical fountain thing happening.
The apartment is nice (love the heated floors in the bathroom). Grocery shopping takes forever as we have to Google translate every label.

Our pension. They have something like 12 rooms on the second story of the big building. Cow shed on the left. About 5 minute drive or 25 minute walk to the barn.
Yes, it is rainy and snowy and gray and 31 degrees all the time..... so far. And I am smiling!
