So as I am horse shopping I note that the quality of 3 year old colts is quite high at this weekend's Oldenburg auction. So I decide to drive 1.5 hours to see some in person. I love number 76. He is totally chill. His trainer takes him out of the stall and throws the rope over the horse's neck and I get to snuggle him. He is only 15.3+ and did not get approved as a stallion, so I am pretty sure he will go for my price range (i.e. not much). When he comes in the auction ring, I get on the phone to bid.... and the price is out of my range in about 20 seconds. He sold for 105,000 euro!!! That was way more than the majority of bigger, fancier licensed stallions. What happened??
And then I find out he is going to the USA! If anybody hears anything let me know so I can stalk him.
